(ROCKLAND COUNTY) October 27, 2022 – Dominican University New York in Orangeburg kicked off the first semester of their new Public Health Informatics and Technology Program this fall. The program offers undergraduate students as well as healthcare and IT professionals, the opportunity to join an emerging field linking healthcare and technology, a sector that is forecast to experience major growth and generate high-paying careers. Classes focus on public health informatics and technology which is the science of using data, information, and knowledge to improve human health and the delivery of services by solving complex healthcare issues.
The program offers an online certificate for those with a bachelor’s degree who are already in the workforce. Undergraduate students can earn a concentration or minor and will take daytime classes in person while evening classes will be virtual. The next session begins in January 2023. Those in the healthcare and IT fields with interest are encouraged toget more info athttps://tinyurl.com/phitforce2 Financial support may be available through employers.
The future of healthcare is being powered by data. The highly trained specialists who can connect people, technology, and information to improve healthcare outcomes and safety while streamlining costs will be in great demand. In fact, Health Informatics is in the top 10 highest-demand healthcare occupations and is growing 10 times faster than healthcare jobs overall. Salaries can range from about $69,000 to more than $132,000. Obtaining a degree or completing a certificate in this area could result in increased salary, faster advancement, and job security.