Courtesy of WRCR.
Seven locations in Rockland were targets of search warrants yesterday by the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office and other agencies as part of an investigation into the illegal selling of cannabis products and tax fraud. In a statement, the New York Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations says it started out as an investigation into local companies selling cannabis products without proper licenses, and selling to minors, but then it also uncovered a tax scheme as well. Rockland’s D-A says search warrants were executed at seven smoke shops in Rockland County, two in Clarkstown, two in Orangetown and one in Suffern. Another business and a private residence in Clarkstown were also targeted in the yearlong investigation. No other details, including the names of the smoke shops, were available.
Suit Files Against Village of Airmont In Airmont, a resident of Fosse Court has filed a lawsuit accusing village officials and their building inspector of letting a rabbi illegally run a school in a single-family house and convert a residence next-door into a dormitory. That’s according to The Journal News. The plaintiff says she and other neighbors who have complained about the situation are being harassed by the rabbi’s followers. Neither the rabbi, Airmont’s mayor or the building inspector were reached for comment in the Journal News piece.
BOCES Vote Today in West NyackVoters in Rockland get to decide today whether BOCES can move ahead with a $48 million expansion project that would bring a 52,000 square-foot, two-story building to its main campus in West Nyack. It’ll house various programs including Career and Technical Education; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; culinary arts, a new gym and fitness area, and more. BOCES programs serve 38,000 public school students countywide in eight public school districts. BOCES projects enrollment to increase nearly 20% in the next ten years. You can vote at the Jesse Kaplan school in West Nyack from noon to 8 tonight. It’s located at 65 Parrott Road, Building 9.