Courtesy of WRCR.
The “Great American Cleanup” is underway in Rockland, it’s coming to Orangetown this weekend. Marisa Marrone is the director of Keep Rockland Beautiful, and she says the annual Spring Cleanup event runs April through June…
Orangetown supervisor Teresa Kenny says if you’ve ever complained about trash around town, now’s your chance to come to the Tappan Fire House on Saturday to help clean the town up…
Rockland State Senator Bill Weber of the 38th District says he and other volunteers will be handling a stretch of Route 304 near Davies Farm in Clarkstown later this month…
Marrone says their goal is to get 2,500 volunteers out for the spring cleanups. Anyone interested in helping out this weekend, volunteers will be gathering at the Tappan Fire House Saturday from 9AM until noon, and KRB will provide all the clean-up tools you’ll need. For more information about it and how you can do a cleanup in your neighborhood, visit their website,, or call them at 845-708-9164.