The Town of Orangetown is embarking on a process of updating its Comprehensive Plan for the first time since 2003 to establish a guiding framework for future sustainable development, economic growth, and natural resource preservation in the Town. A Comprehensive Plan is a long-term planning document that establishes a community’s goals and aspirations for the future, while providing a roadmap for how to achieve them. Over the next several months, the Town will hold a series of public workshops and provide other opportunities for public engagement. Through input from local residents, workers, and business owners, the Comprehensive Plan Update will reflect the goals and recommendations of the Orangetown community, and will serve as a guiding framework for the Town’s growth and development in the coming years.
To kick-off the process, the Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) invites the community to participate in an online survey. The online survey offers community members an opportunity to provide their input and thoughts on existing and future conditions within the Town. The survey will be available for thirty days from September 29, 2021 to October 29, 2021, and all are encouraged to participate.