Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is a new invasive insect that has made its way to Orangeburg, Blauvelt State Park, and other places in Rockland County. This pest can greatly impact quality of life by making home outdoor spaces and other wooded areas a sticky mess. They also damage apple, grape and hops crops, which could have a severe negative impact on our local economy. New York State agencies and organizations are working to identify and eradicate this pest. Larry Vail, Lucy Jickling, and other volunteers from Orangetown have been working to cut vegetation, check SLF traps, and swat SLF at the large infestation in Orangeburg. You can help by looking for spotted lanternfly on your property. If found please do two things: 1) report it here ; and 2) squash it. While very harmful to plants, spotted lanternfly is harmless to people. Here’s more info on how you can help control this dreaded pest:State Department of Agriculture Asking Residents to Help Combat Spotted LanternflyNew York State Integrated Pest Management – Spotted LanternflyCornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland (CCE of Rockland)