POMONA, NY – Rockland County Executive Ed Day and the Department of Public Transportation have announced alterations to public transportation schedules on Columbus Day – Monday, October 11th.
All transit systems require passengers to wear protective face coverings and to maintain safe
• Transport of Rockland (TOR) buses will operate regular weekday service.
• TRIPS paratransit buses will operate ADA-service only. www.rocklandbus.com.
• Hudson Link buses will operate regular weekday service. www.ridehudsonlink.com.
• Coach USA Rockland Coaches will operate the current adjusted service.
• Coach USA Shortline will operate Limited Service. www.coachusa/shortline.com
• The Exit 14 Express bus will operate Limited Service to Midtown and Wall Street, cancelling
Southbound trips at 6:00 am and 8:00 am, plus a northbound trip from mid-town at 4:45 pm.
• Clarkstown Mini Trans will not operate on Columbus Day. www.town.clarkstown.ny.us.
• Monsey Trails will operate regular weekday service. www.monseybus.com.
• Metro North www.mta.info and New Jersey Transit www.njtransit.com trains will operate
regular weekday service.
• The Haverstraw Ossining Ferry will operate regular weekday service.
Go to www.rocklandbus.com for schedules and links to other transit services, or to sign up for Transit
Alerts by text and email. For trip planning assistance, call the Transit Information Center at (845) 364-
3333, Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm, or email TransitHelp@co.rockland.ny.us. The
office will be closed on Columbus Day.