DEC Announces Residential Brush Burning Prohibited in New York State March 16 Through May 14. The annual Burn Ban Has Decreased Spring Wildfires 42.6 Percent Since 2009Ban Reduces Wildfire Risks, Protects Lives and Property.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced a statewide ban prohibiting residential brush burning will begin March 16 and run through May 14. With spring approaching, DEC is reminding residents that conditions for wildfires are heightened in springtime when most wildfires occur.
Open burning of debris is the largest single cause of spring wildfires in New York State. When temperatures are warmer and the past fall’s debris and leaves dry out, wildfires can start and spread easily and be further fueled by winds and a lack of green vegetation.
Every spring as the snow melts and vegetation dries out, New York’s partnering local responders all too often have to leave their jobs and families to respond to wildfires caused by illegal spring debris fires.DEC Forest Rangers respond to and assist local agencies with the larger and more remote fires. Complying with the burn ban prevents unnecessary burdens on and dangers to state resources and local responders.
Campfires using charcoal or untreated wood are allowed, but people should never leave such fires unattended and must extinguish them. Burning garbage or leaves is prohibited year-round. For more information about fire safety and prevention, go to DEC’s FIREWISE New York website.