Event Details:
- Date: Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 2:00 pm (Rain date: June 9, 2:00 pm)
- Location: River Hook Preserve, Upper Nyack
- Event: A half-mile Music Trail followed by a sit-down concert
- Performers: EcoTones Ensemble and Nyack High School Chamber Orchestra
- Conductor: Tanya Chanphanitpornkit
Description: EcoTones invites you to a unique musical experience at River Hook Preserve. Begin your journey with a half-mile walk along a Music Trail where small ensembles will perform pieces inspired by the park’s flora and fauna. The trail leads to a sit-down concert featuring professional musicians from the EcoTones Ensemble and the talented students of the Nyack High School Chamber Orchestra.
What to Bring:
- Camp chairs
- Picnic blankets
- Snacks and drinks
- Appropriate footwear for a sloped, gravel path
- Advanced registration is required.
- Tickets are Pay As You Choose here, with some free tickets available upon request at ecotonesconcerts@gmail.com.