BY: Keith S. Shikowitz, Investigative Reporter
By all counts and the opinions of many in the media and politics, the 2024 election was the most consequential election in the nation’s history. According to polls 79% of the electorate felt that the country was going in the wrong direction. This means that control of the Senate, House of Representatives and the Presidency was more important than ever.
Congressman Mike Lawler held his election night event at the Paramount Country Club in New City. Many elected officials were present for the watch party. Clarkstown Town Supervisor George Hoehmann took on the emcee role.
What do you think is going to be happening tonight?
“We’re very excited. We’re anxiously awaiting results. Very optimistic. I think Mike’s run a really good race. He’s worked hard. It’s in the hands of the people and we’ll start getting results within the next hour or so and expect a good night for Mike.”
Along with the federal and state races, Clarkstown had some races going on too.
Hoehmann stated, “So, you know, listen, it’s always challenging in a presidential year. I think that John Valentino worked hard and he’s running a good campaign as is Darren Epstein. So, you know, again, we’re anxious to see how those results have come in as well.”
County Executive Ed Day was among the elected officials there to watch the results come in.
What do you think about what’s going on tonight? Give me your opinion on what’s going to happen? How do you think Mike’s going to do?
“I think most importantly, this is the, this is the American dream. This is the way America works. Why don’t we vote? I always remind people you have to vote 1.3 million people in the military died for our country. We owe it to them to vote tonight here in Rockland County in the nation. We’re voting to fix the mess. Anybody who can understand the following that we, we are not better off than about four years ago with countries heading in the wrong direction. We need change and I’m here to see Mike Lawler and the entire Republican ticket to make that change happen. I want to see Trump win for president. To vote for the Senators and Congressmen and the local officials who are running for us because we have to stop the madness we’ve been seeing here.”
Hoehmann announced that Bill Weber had been reelected. “In the 38 Senate district with the 9000 vote lead.
Senator Bill Weber has been re-elected for the people of the 38 Senate district. Everyone please welcome our next senator, our current senator from the 38th District.
Weber took to the podium flanked by his wife Lee and members of his staff. “Thank you, Rockland. I want to thank everyone that is here. You know, this was, I got to say this was probably the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. This thing was 24 – 7 since George Hoehmann told me two years ago to the day in my left ear that reelection starts right now. But that’s the focus I had since day one to make sure that the residents of the 38th district got what they deserve. That’s, that’s topnotch constituent service. That’s somebody who cares about a job that really wants to make a difference in this district.”

Hoehmann asked all of the people present to come to the main room for a big announcement. A few minutes after they filed in, carrying Lawler for Congress signs, Hoehmann announced that Lawler had been reelected. Lawler came to the stage with Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat it’ playing as a message to Mondaire Jones.
Lawler opened stating, “What an absolute ass kicking!!!!” After applause and laughing he continued, “Folks tonight, the Hudson Valley told Mondaire Jones to beat it. I can’t thank each and every one of you enough for everything you’ve done to make this happen. I will give you 24 hours before, before we start the next campaign. Two years ago, we made history. We not only defeated the chair of the D triple C for the first time in 42 years. But we ended Nancy Pelosi’s reign as speaker of the house. We won with historic margins across this district.
I am proud of the fact that we got over 81,000 votes out of Rockland County.”
“I couldn’t have done that without a team. And I have been blessed to have a phenomenal team in both my official office and on my campaign. And there’s too many to mention by name, but I want to thank each and every one of them because without their hard work, this never would have happened.”
He went on to thank his family for their support and threw in a little funny anecdote about an event in his childhood.
He got right back to the business of the campaign. “You know, folks I’m, I’m proud of the campaign that we waged. Over the last 22 months, I’ve worked tirelessly on behalf of you and this district. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve been rated the fourth most bipartisan member of Congress. I’m proud of the fact that we passed 10 bills through the House. Five of which became law. I’m proud of the fact that we brought back over $70 million in commuting project funding to this district. More than double what my predecessor brought back in the same amount of time. I’m proud of the work that my office has done to serve every constituent in every community in this district. We opposed over 4500 individual cases brought back over $20 million in benefits due to constituents. I’ve held over 1000 events in 22 months in this district.”

“You know, every election that I’ve been in. I have a ritual, I vote with my family. I travel around the district in a truck with big signs on it, deliver cookies to the poll inspectors and say thank you for working our elections
and then I go to my dad’s grave site and spend some time with, yes. When I was 26 my dad passed away from cancer. It was a life altering experience. And in our last conversation, he left me with two powerful lessons to whom much is given much is required to always keep my eye on my moral compass and do God’s work. Those words have guided me through every decision I have made, including my choice to run for Congress public service is a noble calling. One that comes with sacrifice, but immense reward. When done with humility, integrity and dedication. As your congressman, I have always put our country and our community first and I have always worked with people of all backgrounds and beliefs.”