The Independent Redistricting Commission of New York State will hold a virtual public meeting on August 2, 2021, at 2 pm to seek comments from the residents of the Mid-Hudson Valley and Capital Region.
The Commission would appreciate your help in publicizing the meeting for your residents. They can sign up to participate in and stay updated about the process at our website:
The Commission is seeking input from your community’s residents as it embarks on this process. This includes, but is not limited to information such as:
• How do residents feel about the current lines outlining their district?
• What would residents like the IRC to know about their community of interest?
Participants will have up to three (3) minutes of speaking time, with no question or answer period. Residents are also invited to create their own maps using resources available on our website. The Commission invites residents to submit written comment as well through our website. All meetings will be recorded for future public record and will be livestreamed as they occur.
These public meetings are the first and best opportunity for New Yorkers to give public comment before the Commission begins drawing the first round of district maps after the Census Bureau releases its data on August 16, 2021.
Then initial district maps will be released to the public for review by September 15, 2021. After which, the Commission will hold a series of hearings where residents may testify. Then, final district maps will be voted on and certified by the Commission and presented to the New York State Legislature.
Any person who wishes to request auxiliary aids or services, including translation, to participate in this public meeting of the Commission, in accordance with State or Federal law, should indicate this when they sign up no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The IRC is a ten-member body created by the voters of New York State to redraw Congressional and State Legislature lines fairly and equitably. Public participation in drawing these districts is critical to ensuring that communities throughout New York continue to have the strongest voice possible to express their preferences.
When voters with similar interests are drawn into a district together, their voices multiply giving them a greater opportunity to express their views, elect candidates of their choice and hold their leaders accountable. We urge your constituents to stay updated on this process by
signing up at and connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.