Everyday Recycling
The Highway Department Everyday Recycling Program describes how the Town recycling is not limited to a one-day fair or a weekly recycling pickup.
Materials Recycled Daily
We recycle many materials on a daily basis. The need for new material used for new asphalt, paving, drainage, road repairs, and concrete sidewalk projects is reduced by recycling the existing asphalt and concrete from reconstruction excavation.
Cost Savings
This not only reduces the cost for disposal of the above items and of purchasing these new products but also has a tremendous positive effect on the environment because it decreases the use of non-renewable sources of aggregate, fuels, and energy needed to produce those commodities.
Green Waste Recycling
Brush and leaves collected during the Green Waste Removal and Fall Leaf Pickup Program are recycled to produce compost and mulch and are then made available to residents free of charge.
Highway Department Recycling Items
- Loose Leaf Pick-Up Program
- Green Waste Removal Program
- Street Sweeping Program (STP)
- Millings (Road Reconstruction/Paving Projects)
- Drop-Off Center
- Metal Recycling
- Hot In-Place Pavement Recycling (STP)
- Winter Mix
In Conjunction with Rockland Green
- Paper Shredding Events
- Residential Recycling (Glass, Plastic, Paper, Cardboard)
- Drop-Off Center
- Cardboard
- Electronics
- Food Scraps
- Crushed Glass