Courtesy of WRCR.
Acknowledging that the last few years, including the COVID shutdowns, have been difficult financially for area families, Rockland’s County Executive yesterday launched his spending proposal for 2023, and it’s got no layoffs or program cuts in the budget, and a zero percent property tax increase. In announcing the $812 million spending plan, Ed Day cited various financial accomplishments, including recently doing away with the residential energy tax, the cutting of the gas tax, and taking part in a new state program that gives seniors a chance to get a tax break at certain income levels…
Day said some areas will get increased assistance, including the Rockland County Department of Health…
The budget also includes $1.5 million for college tuition assistance for volunteer fire fighters and emergency responders, and just over a half-million dollars ($518,200) for possible increases in funding to nonprofit contract agencies and 224 other agencies. Rockland County Legislators will begin their review of the proposed budget on Wednesday, October 12th at 6pm when they are given a presentation by Rockland County Finance Commissioner Stephen Degroat. A public hearing is set for 7pm Tuesday, November 15th. They’ll need to adopt it and-or submit changes to the County Executive by December 1st. If the Legislature does nothing, the budget is adopted as-is. If changes are made or requested, then it goes back to the County Executive, who will review it for five working days. And then by December 20th the Legislature would vote on the new updated budget.