BY: Keith S. Shikowitz, Investigative Reporter
Ronnie Diz has run for office before and is now running for the 96th New York State Assembly District which is being vacated by the current Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski.
What is it about Diz that makes him a good candidate for the office?
“Well, basically, I always, think about my service to the United States, to New York State, New York City. I did serve in the military for combined 34 years of service in the regular army. The Army Reserve in the National Guard. I started as a private and I actually retired as a colonel. Then I served 20 close to 27 years in New York City Police Department while I retired as a third grade detective. I’ve also been in charge of actually the president of, fraternal organizations, the American Legion and Special Forces Association. I’ve been really a team player when it comes to making these organizations run. I’m also a former member of the Rockland County Planning Board, which I actually was a member for four and a half years in Rockland County.”
He left the planning board because he said, “It was time for me to go do something else. It wasn’t personal, it was time for me to step down and go do something else. I actually enjoyed my time with that organization. A lot of good people, a lot of great individuals, a lot of knowledgeable individuals in many ways.
A lot of people in Rockland County and across the country in the millions have been transferring their political registration of Democratic Republican. We usually two California representatives, government officials changed their party affiliation from Democrat to Republican because of the, and they claimed it was the issues that the, and the stances that the Democratic Party is taking these days. Why does Diz think people are doing that?
“What’s the reason why you, you brought it up very well. It’s the issues that are making people leave the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party or the Conservative Party. The the Democratic Party that I grew up with is not the same as it was unfortunately,, it’s become radicalized based on the theory of Marxists and socialists have taken it over and it’s,, with absurd policies that tend to really, really bother the American citizen and, and they become a party of really, they talk about inclusion but they’re not really inclusive when it comes to ideas that don’t match their philosophy. And that’s the reason why people are leaving.”
“They just don’t want to be part of that political party model which has been hijacked unfortunately, and it’s going to go off from what the United States have been doing. Friends of mine have left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party and the Conservative Party. They live here in the neighborhood and that’s a shame that comes down to that. It really was a very good party, had a lot of good issues once it’s been hijacked.
I don’t know what’s going to bring it back, bring it back around to make it a good political party once again.”
Political switches along the magnitude of this one have a major effect on elections. They have turned Democratic districts to Republican ones and vice versa. How does Diz feel this will this influence the upcoming election?
“My district has been also, you know, Republican and Conservative Party registrations. I have a good feeling. I believe it’s going to work out for us within the elections coming up in this November, more people who join the Republican party or vote the Republican line or vote, the Conservative line is going to be better for us in the, in the long run. I hope it does happen because we are more, my opinion, we have more of a commonsense ideology than it does the radicals who hijacked the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, it’s happened. But I believe it’s going to work out for us. It’s going to work out for the state of, for America actually.”
He feels this changeover is going to work out for the state and the current election in his district. He understands that his race for the 96th District is a very important race. :If I win and all Republicans and Conservative members of the of the Conservative party win the elections, it’s going to have a tremendous,, uptake for the positive. I hope they get the state back on track with the,, the billions of dollars in debt for some, for the last like 12 years.”
Like Diz mentioned, we have a lot of issues that affect New York State, affect the country, but we’re specifically dealing with New York State here as of the economy, immigration, no bail laws, school funding all sorts of stuff that’s going on.
Let’s start with the economy. It’s been a wreck the past few years. Policies that have come down from the state have not made life easier here in New York for the residents. People have been fleeing New York in droves. New York is the second largest state to lose people. What plan does he have to help with the economy for the average New York citizen?
“Well, basically, it’s just what you said, it’s the policies coming from Albany, and all is where the problems start from. Albany has a very anti-business attitude and it’s been that way for decades; I want to go up to Albany and completely reverse that. I want to bring in businesspeople who actually know how to own corporations, including mom and pop store to make this economy better because I drove throughout the state and I see the devastation of small towns of disappearing.”