BY: Keith S. Shikowitz, Investigative Reporter
Raising money for a campaign is difficult in the best of economic times. When the economy is in the terrible condition it is today, it is almost impossible. As such candidates for office have to come up with ways to do it outside of the formal sit down, rubber chicken, speech filled dinners that bore people to death as they try to show interest in what everyone is saying.
Senator Bill Weber did just that. He held a bowling fundraiser event at the New City Bowl on May 5, 2024. About half of the lanes were taken up with people of all ages enjoying a rainy Sunday to knock down some pins. About half of the lanes were being used during the fundraiser.

Alice Lenna owner of New City Bowl explained how people have raised a lot of money on bowling events at her establishment.
Many have labeled this year’s election a watershed event for the country. Both sides are saying that our democracy is on the line. The issues this year range from the economy, crime and the no bail laws, the rising Anti -Semitism to the illegal immigration and how states like New York are treating the illegal immigrants. Many people say that states like New York are putting these people who broke our country’s laws by crossing the border illegally, before the taxpaying American citizens. Weber spoke on these issues.

Frank V., a volunteer firefighter from Congers, came out to support Weber. “I’m not bowling because I can’t, but I’m here to contribute and support him.” He praised the work Weber has done in his first term.
He expressed his feelings about the major issues facing New Yorkers this election cycle.
He also stated his feelings about how Ed Day is running the county and said, “They don’t like up in Albany what Ed Day is doing. They don’t like what Bill’s doing and Assemblyman John McGowan down their fighting for us. They don’t like Rockland. That’s why our roads look the way they are. They figure it’s payback time.”
There were people in attendance who expressed their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in New York. But wanted to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons. They feel that the average citizens in this state are being treated worse than the illegal immigrants. They are appalled at how our military veterans are being treated as they are put out of housing while the illegals are getting housing, food, money and all of the perks that taxpaying citizens are supposed to be getting. They also complained about the cost of living as they watch prices across the board going up on a daily basis. One person said, “I passed a gas station on Route 9W on my way to go shopping. The price of gas was $3.54. When I came back passed that station no more than an hour later, it was up at $3.67. Something needs to be done about this. We can’t afford to live here, and I want to stay.”
One of the biggest worries outside of the economy is the rising crime due to what they say are the no bail laws. “I don’t feel safe sometimes, even in Rockland where we have very good police forces. They can’t be everywhere all the time,” one lady said. She added, I hope that Senator Weber can help to get things back under control.”

Senator Weber will be holding other fundraiser events in the coming months.