Part of a new blog series by Jim Keenan, The Tactical Citizen
- From: Jim Keenan
- Tuesday 8:30am
- Location: Behind The Lines – somewhere in New York
- To: Prepared Citizens
What would I do if….”X” Happened?
How would I respond or react if things went bad?
Legit questions, and we truly don’t know the answer until “X” actually happens.
Of course we hope nothing bad happens and try to stay positive and hopeful but we know life can be unpredictable, there are no guarantees.
So we can learn some options.
Some different ways to prepare and respond if things go sideways from either natural or human events.
We can read books, watch youtube, attend webinars or take live training.
But what about the most basic of human functions coming into play?
How do we manage fear and adrenaline that stops us in our tracks?
How do we maintain composure on the most basic level and give ourselves a fighting chance?
Start by breathing! Yes breathing.
Something we do 20 to 30 thousand times a day involuntarily without giving it a second thought.
If the SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) quickly and unexpectedly.
Start by taking a focused deep breath – inhale then hold for a second or two then exhale.Then immediately repeat.
This practice, when done in the first crucial seconds of the event will help you to quickly focus, and stay calm.
Tactical Breathing – so you can make a decision on how to act in response to what is happening all around you.
Taking a few conscious deep breaths may help you overcome the “freeze response” and help to manage stress levels.
If things go “Boom” or things go bad …….BREATHE. Then act!
Keep your head in the game.
Be Prepared & Capable
Jim Keenan “The Tactical Citizen”
a KSI SHIELD BRAND | 845-893-6155